Cleveland Tree Company concentrates on providing a high quality product to the high end landscape market of the Southeast.
Cleveland Tree Company was started in 1983 by David and Beth Cleveland on 10 acres of land near Fort Valley, GA.
David was raised on a peach, pecan, and cotton farm very near the site of the nursery. This farming background, coupled with a degree in Agronomy from UGA, helped him to solve many of the problems that arose with the inception of a new nursery operation.
The field operation has grown steadily into the 180 acre size it is today, and the staff has grown from one employee to eighteen.
The quality of our employees, from the field workers staking the trees to the supervisors in the office, is all top notch. We have a very experienced crew with minimal turnover that allows us to concentrate on high quality production.
In addition to our B&B trees, Cleveland Tree started a small bare-root liner production to supply itself with high quality material for its field operation. Concentrating mainly with Red Maple and Chinese Elm cultivars, we plant what we need in our fields and then sell the rest. Visit Liner Operation to learn more.
Cleveland Tree Company uses Boone Trucking of Forsyth, GA, as our primary hauler. This dependable company uses extreme care in the shipping of our trees.
We also have gooseneck trailers available as needed.
We can arrange shipping anywhere. Call for rates and quotes.